Sunday, February 8, 2009

It was just a blanket...

"Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things...I am tempted to think there are no little things." Bruce Barton

Last summer we had a reunion at camp where many campers and staff came to visit and reminisce about their camp memories from as far back as the 1940s and as recently as the 1990s. One woman who showed up spent just one summer with us in the mid-1990s. She told me a story about me that I didn't remember. It was about a blanket that I gave her when she was cold. She said it was her first night at camp (as a counselor) and she was having trouble getting adjusted. She was thinking about leaving and feeling very uncomfortable and cold. I guess I talked to her and reassured her that she would feel better after she got used to things. I also gave her a blanket. Not a big deal, right? Apparently, to her it was a big deal. She remembers it and says it was the reason she stayed and worked at camp that summer. She remembered very clearly a little thing I had done. Whoa. The implications are daunting. It got me to thinking about all the little things I've done and the incredible power of the little things. I'm sure that for every positive little thing I've done, there has been something equally not-so-positive. Instead of obsessing about what I could have done or not done in the past, though, I vow to focus on the little things that I can do now to be a blessing to others...simple, little things that even a busy mom has time for.


  1. Great story - and really something to think about!

    Welcome to SITS - so happy to have you join us!

  2. Welcome SITSta! Little things do make a big difference! Thanks for sharing your story:0)

  3. It truly is the small stuff, huh? Welcome to SITS!

  4. Stopping by to Welcome you from SITS Welcome wagon!!

  5. Welcome to SITS!

    It is amazing how such a little act can be a life changing experience for someone. Thanks for the lesson. Great post!

  6. I'm a big believer in the power of little things.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of SITS!

  7. This was a great reminder of how important the little things are.
    Welcome to SITS!

  8. Welcome to SITS. Great post. I agree, the little things sometimes get overlooked.. whether it's something we've done to/for someone or life's little blessings from God.
