Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Email Parenting Advice

In December, 2007, my dear friends Amy and Bob adopted a 5 year old daughter through the foster care system. They had gone through countless months of waiting and WAY too much paperwork, but the day finally came when they brought their daughter home. Amy emailed me for quick parenting advice the day they brought her home. It's a lot different bringing home a baby than bringing home a 5 year old. I thought about what to share without overwhelming her, then I wrote her back. Here's what I said:

Hi! I have so many little "tips" to give and was thinking about if I had to narrow it down, what would be the one thing I'd share? I think I already told you, but what most kids need (and don't get enough of) is positive attention. If you just sit and give that sweet girl 100% of your attention, listen to her stories, ask her questions, she will LOVE it. Or, read stories (my favorite-- fun for me and it's great for their own reading later), color, do puzzles. Okay, that's all for today. I've been praying hard for you guys!

The next day, I had more time, so I interviewed my girls to see what parenting tips they thought I should share with Amy. I was, needless to say, very pleased with what my 12 & 14 year olds had to share:
12 year old: "Don't give them everything they want." It probably will be tempting to get her whatever she wants, since she's had a tough life. We use the, "Let's put it on your list for Christmas/Birthday" Then, when it gets closer to the event, narrow down the list to what she REALLY wants. That way, you won't create a spoiled, entitled child (which is something that is a personal pet peeve of mine)
14 year old: "Give lots of hugs and kisses and tell her you love her." She added, "Even when they don't want them." :) Back rubs at bed time are very popular here, too!
I thought of one more: Kids really like structure/rules, even when they complain about them. They like to know (deep down) that the parents are in charge and will keep things together/structured. Some of the things we do: bedtime routine the same every night: bath, teeth, stories, sleep. :) Make sure she knows that you care about her, but some things (like wearing a seatbelt, saying "please" and "thank you," etc. are expected).
When Owen (age 4) does something wrong, I always tell him that I'll always love him no matter what (even when he's crabby, he has an accident, etc.) but I get frustrated/don't like it when he... (fill in the blank bad thing here)
In your case, I'd do what we tell our counselors to do... Find lots of positive things to say -- "Thanks for using great manners." "That was really nice sharing." "You got ready for bed so fast -- that was super." So she sees that you recognize all the good stuff. That way, she won't start using bad behavior for attention. Well, actually, she will still have bad behavior, but then you can either correct or ignore and still stay positive. :)
I'll keep thinking.... But I'm sure most things will just come naturally for you.
Have a great day, Mom!

Postscript: After more than a year together, Amy, Bob, and their daughter are doing well.


  1. That all sounds like great advice, I like your girls' answers. It must be tough starting with a 5 year old...I'm glad they are doing well.
    Welcome to the SITS community.

  2. Hi Audrey, just wanted to stop by and say welcome to the SITS community!

  3. That is a lot of great parenting advice, both from you and your children. Sounds like you have a wonderful family!

    Just stopping by to welcome you to SITS, we are so happy you joined us!

  4. what great advice. I love your ida for the want list. My daughter has her birthday and christmas on top of each other. so through out the year she'll find "wants" so that is a good diea to create a list and see if by christmas and birthday she still wants them
    stopping in to welcome you to SITS

  5. YOu have some very astute daughters...and shows just how wonderful of a parent you are...and I'm so glad to hear that they are getting along well...I'm sure it is an adjustment....and Welcome to glad you've joined us....

  6. This is such great advice, especially for new parents.

    Welcome to SITS!

  7. It sounds like you were a huge help. You made many wonderful points. Good luck to them...

    Welcome to SITS, it is so much fun to hop around and meet new people. I welcome you to my blog where I am having a giveaway and I'm hosting a card swap. :D

    Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  8. That was really sweet of you to write your friend a letter. I really enjoyed the ideas from your kids too. Welcome to SITS :)

  9. This is such cool advice, from you, and the kids. Mine are 14, 15 and 8 now. I read to all of them, then they read to me. My daughter and I read each night before bed, and I still sing songs to her:) I think that will be a thing of the past soon, but I will do it as long as I can. I'm glad your friends are doing well, and that they had you to give them advice!
